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Behind the Scenes of S&T with Kendall

Behind the Scenes of S&T with Kendall

Behind the Scenes of S&T with Kendall

Hi Everyone — meet Kendall! She's worked part-time for us for two years now and has been an incredible asset to our team. We thought it would be so fun to have her do a Q&A blog post style answering your questions around what it's really like working for us, what her day to day looks like & the real BTS of what influences do. She is dropping all the piping hot tea below!

Q: How did you find out about Sweat and Tell?

A: I love answering this question! I actually shared this with Jo and Jacqs in my interview. My best friend and I worked at the same company together after college, and she showed me their account. She was like “look these girls work together too and have the most relatable advice.” We were both in that phase where we would workout in the morning, eat a healthy breakfast, then get totally off track with catered lunches / happy hours. We loved following Sweat and Tell because they helped us find the balance. :) Also because they are fun/ funny and it seemed like we would get along with them in real life.

Q: Did you pitch yourself to work with them? I’d love to have a job like you + work w/ an influencer!

A: So Jo and Jacqs actually posted that they were looking for part-time help, and I immediately got to WORK. That night, I put together my resume and wrote a cover letter specifically tailored to them/ the role. I figured their inbox would be flooded so I kept the cover letter concise, productive, honest, and creative. I bullet-pointed out exactly how I could add value to them and their brand. A couple days later they posted how to apply and I swear I was the first applicant (stalker alert?).

If you are looking to work with an influencer, my advice is to nail your pitch. Think through how you could add value and then come up with how you are going to pitch yourself in an effective, concise way. As far as how to go about finding these roles, one option is to keep your eyes peeled and be prepared if they post about opportunities. If they don’t, I wouldn’t try DMs. Influencer DMs are FLOODED. Perhaps try LinkedIn, one of their sub-instagram accounts, or seeing if you have a personal connection.

Q: Where do you live?

A: Austin, Texas! If you are in the area let’s workout together!

Q: What does your role entail?

A: I wear a few different hats for S&T- but basically I cover as much of the backend work as I can so Jo and Jacqs can focus their energy on creating content, engaging with you guys, launching products…*hint hint.* My day-to-day is spent managing email, coordinating logistics for collaborations, creating graphics, brainstorming/ researching ideas. Saving Jo from the Dallas airport (iykyk). I used to handle all of their brand partnerships and collaborations as well before they signed with an agency at the end of 2022. My role has evolved since I first started working for them based on their needs and where extra support is needed. It comes out to about 5 hours per week. It is a TON of work showcasing your life the way they do and I am so impressed and inspired. I honestly didn’t realize how much went into being content creators until I started working for them (and they somehow manage to workout and have a social life too??).

Q: If you could only do one exercise for the rest of your life what would it be?

A: Pilates! Reformer pilates is my favorite. Also love a coffee walk.

Q: What is your schooling background?

A: Honestly my schooling is pretty random, my degree is visual art and design but I work in tech (for those of you out there stressing too much over choosing a degree, don’t!)

Q: What does your daily routine look like?

A: On a typical day I wake up, make a coffee, and get to work. I would love to say I start the day off meditating or going for a walk but I would be lying to you (I am not a morning person, working on it). I will check Sweat and Tell email in the morning in case there is anything pressing, then start work at my full-time job. Around 5:30 or so I’ll workout, come home and make dinner, then start Sweat and Tell in the evening. To wind down I like to stay up entirely too late watching a show, reading, or scrolling TikTok.

Q: Favorite part of the role?

A: Cheesy- BUT seriously the best part is getting to work with and learn from Jo and Jacqs. I am a firm believer that we are byproducts of the people we surround ourselves with, and I love surrounding myself with smart, driven, KIND people who are working to constantly better themselves. Also actually seeing them in action, they are total pros. Will never forget the first time I watched them negotiate a brand deal. I really look up to them and feel grateful to be able to work with them.

Q: Least favorite part?

A: Invoicing. Low key hate keeping track of our invoices/ payments (high key).

Q: When did you feel confident enough in your full-time job to take on another part-time job?

A: So actually, when Jo and Jacqs hired me they took a leap of faith because I was laid off at the time. It was mid-Covid and I was still pretty gutted from my recent layoff. I took so much pride in my job and didn’t realize how much of my identity I had tied to it, so I wanted to find ways to grow outside of any company/ job. I was very transparent with them how that was my goal, and made it clear that no matter my work-load I would always find ways to prioritize my life/ responsibilities outside of my full-time job. It takes a lot of work and I definitely have crazy weeks, but I choose to make it a priority.

Q: Are you single?

A: Yes! Recently single actually. The story is pretty wild and honestly my life felt like it was flipped upside down this year (so don’t ask me for breakup tips yet…TBD lol). I was on the first flight to go visit Jo and Jacqs after, they were so great to have to lean on. Sharing this in case anyone else is going through this too, please know you aren’t alone! Surround yourself with friends, get a healthy routine going/ stay active, and keep moving forward.


Q: What’s your favorite S&T workout?

A: Obsessed with their Low Impact Pilates Sculpt! If you haven’t checked out their YouTube workouts, they are the best. It’s also so fun to go to their in person events - need them to do one in Austin, TX!

Q: This isn’t S&T related- but can we get the purple outfit deets?!

A: Zara! The pants are here and the top is here. Both are sold out but you can sign up for restock notifications.

Thank you so much for reading! XO, Kendall

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