Open Gym Workout Tips
Boutique studios now feel like home to us, but back in the day we were gym regulars. It was so easy just walking down to the gym when we lived in apartments. The main difference we see with studio classes is we don’t spend mindless time on a treadmill, we push ourselves a bit further when in a group setting (yes, we’re highly competitive) and better target specific muscle groups... BUT we still love a good open gym sesh. It’s an accomplished and independent sense of satisfaction when you know that on your own, you worked up a solid sweat. Here are our best tips to maximize your open gym workout:
Check out the amenities online first, so you know your options. Nothing worse than showing up in the morning and realizing there’s no shower to get ready before work...
Don’t forget to warm up/stretch. Most studio classes do a 3-5 min warm up which we sometimes forget to do if we’re on our own!
Be prepared. Some people like to wing their workouts, but we like to go in with at least some sort of plan. Plan a workout ahead of time, find a Pinterest workout, use an app (@toneitup , @lovesweatfitness, @kayla_itsines , @KatieAustin, @katieyovin etc), stream a video, there are tons of options to make you feel confident that you are getting a kick ass workout
Headphones!!! Literally make or break. We always keep in the same place in our bag so we DO NOT FORGET!
Put your phone on airplane mode so you don’t get distracted. You don’t want to be THAT person in the gym talking on the phone really loud / texting.
Already have your workout playlist ready to go! Can’t stand spending time switching back and forth between songs. We shared our Spotify playlist in S&Tips if you need new jams!
Outfit details: Wearing the snake skin print set from our collection with @norestforbridget⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#sweatandtell #keepitsweaty#norestforbridget #NRFBXSweatandtell