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STUDIO REVIEW: @hotboxnashville kickboxing class πŸ₯Š

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First off, the aesthetics of this studio are dope. Locker room even has @thedrybar blow dryers/straighteners for clients. The staff radiates positive, bad ass energy and makes you feel right at home. Kickboxing is always an amazing full body workout, but it can vary depending on the style of the studio or the energy in the room. This studio knows how to crank that all the way up to make sure you are dripping, out of breathe, and therapeutically let out any negative energy on the bag by the time class is over.

For the workout: you have your own bag, the whole room has a mat floor and you do the workout barefoot! I’ve never kick-boxed barefoot before and was surprised at first, but loved it. The instructor sets up the combos and in between combos there will be various ab exercises, lunges, etc. Seriously a killer full body workout that will make you feel v accomplished afterwards.

Think this may be one of my FAV studios I’ve tried in Nash. They also offer strength training classes which I NEED to try!

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