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So... How do I WFH?

So... How do I WFH?


Who else is working from home indefinitely? With all the COVID-19 madness and breaking updates, especially within the last day or so, lots of companies have been taking precautionary measures and requiring their employees to work from home (Jo included!). This can be fun for some and challenging for others, so we came up with our best tips to stay focused and get shit done from the comfort of your own home.

Dress up for the day like you are going into the office! Just because you are working from home (and don't need to even be seen in public), doesn't mean you should stay in sweats all day! Get up and make your bed , shower, put a bra on and get ready so you can jumpstart your day.

Set up a comfortable work space. Spend an hour or so prioritizing the comfortability of your work space and making sure that you will feel as productive as possible for those 8 hours a day. Things that we are taking into consideration include natural lightning (especially if you do video conferences), a comfortable chair with back support and a desk with enough room for you computer and any other items you need. If you don’t have any already, get some headphones so you can plug in and stay focused. This is 100% necessary if you have roommates or a S.O. that you will be sharing space with during this time.

Make a to do list with priority order so you can work from top to bottom, and schedule your calendar based on this. Keep yourself accountable through lists and calendars. Just because we don’t have to leave our homes doesn’t mean it is an excuse to let things slide - we recommend still booking your workouts in your calendar, even send invites to friends to keep yourselves accountable and FaceTime during a workout! Time blocking has also been something extremely helpful for us to compartmentalize our day to be efficient.

Eliminate all distractions. Cut down on TV time and minimize the music to a certain amount of time per day. One of the things we find to REALLY help is making sure the house is clean before we start working. This will help you avoid the urge to want to start doing laundry or sweeping the floors while you’re in the middle of a phone call / meeting.

You’ll need to set up more virtual meetings to have conversations with people. The level of effort is greater when you can't just turn around at your desk and spark up a conversation or walk into a meeting in the office. This includes both formal meetings and simple, casual conversations with friends and coworkers. Virtual “happy hour” is a great thing to do with your team / coworkers to avoid feeling lonely. Seeing faces truly matters so video chat and FaceTime!

Any other tips? Let us know in the comments or send us a DM!

Keep it Sweaty,

Jo and Jacqs

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