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27 Things Jo’s Learned at 27

27 Things Jo’s Learned at 27


♡♡ 27 Things I’ve Learned at 27 ♡♡

A follower suggested that I do a write up of 27 Things I’ve Learned for my birthday and I thought it was such a fun idea! It’s like a testament to my twenty seven years on the planet, and a way to spread some of my mid/late-twenties wisdom. I grabbed a journal one night last week and started scribbling down a few things that came to mind, and next thing I know, I had a pretty solid list going. I really focused on what organically came to mind, rather than trying to take it too seriously.

This is an eclectic list based on my own experiences and observations, as well as some general perspectives that I remind myself each and every day. Hopefully you can find some value in these, I know I do!

Side note: I highly recommend going through a self-reflection exercise like this. It can be something as simple as making a list of a few things that you’ve learned to gain a deeper understanding of your values, overall perspective on life and what’s truly important to you.

Food for thought:

  1. People remember you by how you make them feel, not how you look. 

  2. Saying “sorry” isn’t a form of weakness.

  3. Being surrounded by people with all of the same opinion(s) is boring AF!

  4. Hard work pays off, don’t take shortcuts.

  5. Doing your taxes suck! Get them done early. Also, I’ll always wonder why we aren’t taught how to do taxes is school???

  6. Don’t settle for anything; your relationships, your career, your home, your happiness and so on. This mindset is a catalyst in achieving your goals.

  7. Move to a different city. Make the move to somewhere unfamiliar, it is truly one of the best decisions you can make, especially if you’ve lived in your hometown for your whole life. For me personally, moving from Seattle to SoCal has been an overwhelmingly incredible and rewarding experience.

  8. Wear sunscreen. I never prioritized this until a few years ago, but reducing harsh sun exposure is single-handedly the most important thing you can do to protect you skin (shoutout to #dermmom).

  9. Your health (mental and physical) should always be at the top of your priority list.

  10. Adults still don’t know what they’re doing.

  11. Be a strong communicator even if it makes you vulnerable or uncomfortable. This is one of the best ways to maintain healthy relationships/friendships.

  12. Eat your greens! 

  13. Lead with integrity. You’ll never have to remember what you said if you’re always honest.

  14. White couches look the best, but I should’ve listened to my mom when she said they’re a b*tch to clean.

  15. This probably tops the list for cheesy-ness but: EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. When you deeply believe this (in both good and bad situations), you actually begin recognizing what that reasoning was in retrospect which I find fascinating!

  16. Quality skincare products is one of the best investments you can make.

  17. Sunshine is healing. GET OUTSIDE (with sunscreen, of course!).

  18. Gold jewelry elevates literally any outfit, invest in quality pieces.

  19. You won’t look back and remember the nights you stayed at home and watched TV. Make sure to rest, but also prioritize having fun.

  20. Less is more, for most things.

  21. Women have an addiction to buying pillows (this has to be true?!)

  22. Talking poorly about other people is really a reflection of you, not them. Spend your time lifting people up! 

  23. You are the true source of your own happiness. Don’t rely so heavily on external factors.

  24. Your home should be a sanctuary. Create a space that makes you fulfilled and calm.

  25. No amount of candles will ever be too many, and that’s a fact!

  26. It’s okay to move on from friendships that you’ve grown out of or don’t necessarily serve you. Be aware of how you feel after hanging out with people.

  27. Be authentic in every aspect of your life, when you are true to yourself you radiate honesty and originality. Trying to fit a certain mold or fit in with a particular group is way too exhausting.

Hope you enjoyed reading these!



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