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How to Run Faster and Longer

How to Run Faster and Longer

Pick up the pace and increase your distance with these training tips.

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As many of you know, I am in the middle of training for an Olympic Triathlon. That means lots of endurance training and lots of injury prevention. Running has always held a special place in my heart (even though I definitely hate it sometimes). Second half of high school I ran track and cross country. That is were I fell in love with running, especially trail runs. It is an incredible way to connect with nature, challenge yourself, and feel accomplished.

Since then I have continued running; Competing in 5ks, half marathons, and an Olympic Triathlon. My last time training for a triathlon I ended up having to get foot surgery after my race. I learned my lesson the hard way about the importance of proper training and recovery for injury prevention. This time around when I am amping up my mileage/speed I want to be sure to do it the SAFE way.

Use these tips to consistently increase your strength, speed, and distance.

  • Strength training

    • Lifting weights and resistance training will improve your running performance and help prevent injury.

    • Don’t worry about “bulking up.” Weight lifting does not automatically make you a meat head. It helps strengthen your muscles improving muscular endurance and makes your strides more efficient.

    • To narrow it down further - It is really important to focus on your CORE strength. A strong core is essential to prevent fatigue and keep your posture/form correct. It is key to prevent injuries like lower back pain.

    • If you are new to strength training use videos and apps to help you get started! Or even take a few classes and ask the instructor for tips on form. Here are a few of our favorite resources:

      • SWEAT app - They have workouts for free weights at home or machines/free weight workouts if you have gym access.

      • Tone It Up youtube videos

      • PELOTON app strength + core videos

  • Interval Training + Speed Work

    • Interval training - Consistent steady running is a great way to improve your endurance, but it will not help your speed. To increase your speed you have to run faster than you would at the race. Interval sprints are a great way to do this. Even if it is just a ten minute segment of sprint and recovery, it will help improve your speed overall!

    • Hills - Running hills is the absolute worst (yelling cuss words the whole time), yet most effective and satisfying form of running *in my humble opinion.* It builds leg and lung strength giving you the foundation to get faster.

  • Easy distance runs

    • Are you noticing that mixing things up is a theme here? You need your HIIT days, your strength days, your intense distance days, and then some days to just take it easy while still getting in some good mileage. Not every run has to have you huffing and puffing, try an easy distance pace every now and then to increase endurance and pace consistency.

  • Get a pacing buddy

    • Not only is having a running buddy a great motivator, but it is a fun way to challenge yourself and pick up your pace. Try to find someone who has a similar to slightly faster pace than you and keep a solid mutual pace together.

    • It’s amazing what running with someone slightly faster than you can do. Your mental strength to increase your speed is stronger than you know. Sometimes having another person there is all you need. You got this!

  • Recovery + Rest Days

    • RECOVERY AND REST IS SO IMPORTANT!!! Do not put this on the back burner or under estimate it’s power. Not only will it help prevent injuries, but by giving you body rest it will actually improve your strength. Rest gives your body an opportunity to rebuild your muscles and prepare for the next session.

    • These NormaTec Boots boots are pricey, but worth the price. My boyfriend got them for his birthday last year and we both use them on a regular basis.

    • Hyperice is an awesome tool for muscle activation before your workout or for recovery. Use THIS link for 10% off!

    • Foam Rolling is so hard for me, so I like to watch a video that tells me exactly what to do. This helps me not give up so soon and I feel like I do a more complete job.

      • This foam rolling video HERE is awesome to follow

  • Stretch Daily

    • Before any workout be sure to do some dynamic stretching. You want to keep you body moving and activate your muscles while stretching before a workout.

    • After a workout try more static stretching to increase flexibility. This means holding a stretch for a certain amount of time.

    • Tri Stetching Routine HERE from Karena at Tone it Up!

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