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New Years Resolutions + Goal Setting

New Years Resolutions + Goal Setting

New Years Resolutions + Goal Setting

As 2021 is coming to a close, we wanted to reflect back on our year and share with you all how we’re planning on entering 2022 (spoiler alert: it’s with self love + setting realistic goals for ourselves). New Year's resolutions and goal setting can come with a ton of pressure to become an entirely new person with new habits and impractical goals; this inevitably sets up our future selves for failure. Who wants to start a new year like that?!

With this being said, we are total fans of setting intentions for a new year with goals we want to accomplish. Here’s how we do that:

  • Establish what you want and more importantly why you want it. Sometimes thinking about how you want to feel rather than what exactly you want is easier! The more specific the better. Once you set those intentions, you can better see the road to get there.

  • Be realistic. Break down your long-term goals into small, baby steps. For example, want to drink more water? Set a daily goal and track it using the S&T Daily Planner (!!!). Small attainable goals that you can accomplish daily/weekly will help you reach the bigger picture goal without being overwhelming.

  • Set yourself up for success. Want to workout more? Evaluate where you are in your health + fitness journey today. Don’t commit to 5 gym workouts a week, promise to move your body daily. Listen to a podcast on a walk, do a 5 minute ab workout between meetings, call a family member on the treadmill.

  • Schedule a timeline. As mentioned earlier, we recommend breaking down big goals into smaller actionable tasks. Schedule checkpoints for yourself in your calendar: weekly, monthly, quarterly, whatever works for you. But don’t wake up in April and say “what happened?!”

  • Make it fun. Stay inspired constantly. Want to eat healthier? Try out a new recipe once a week. Follow Instagram accounts that make you strive to be happier, healthier & have more self love in a judgement free way, rather than playing the comparison game & not feeling good enough. Some great accounts we recommend: 

    • @ariellelorre - health & wellness focused with raw and honest life discussed. Her podcast is one of our favorites too.

    • @dlcanxiety - Mental health & positive life lessons. This account always feels like it was written just for you which helps you realize you are not alone.

    • @herfirst100k - judgment free financial/investing advice. Take control and UNDERSTAND your own financial potential.

    • @sweatandtell - obvi had to add us in there. Lifestyle balance, workouts, recipes, beauty/skin, routines, and all our own life on display. We got you fam.

Here are a few of our goals + mindset shifts we are taking into 2022.


    • Prioritize ourselves with more regular acts of self care. This could be a relaxing skin care routine, foam rolling and stretching, or taking time to do something creative. Jacqs is really trying to prioritize creating more art again on a weekly basis (fun fact she loves to draw and paint). Find something that makes you feel at peace and prioritize that, even if it’s 10 minutes a day.

    • We are trying to eliminate unnecessary screentime. This means no phone after 9pm and not looking at it first thing in the am. Screen time blockers/reminders are a great help reducing mindless scrolling as well.

    • Schedule time for legitimate rest. Focus on quality sleep. 7-8 hours a night minimum.

    • Give less value to other people’s opinions of us (9 times out of 10 it has nothing to do with you anyways).

    • Recognizing and stopping negative self-talk.

    • Jacqs:

      • I will be focusing a lot more on my overall mental + physical health this year. I want to get a new therapist & also figure out my fertility for future.

      • I will be getting an advanced credential in a specific niche to expand my personal training knowledge.

      • I will beat my current PR in my Olympic triathlon this Spring + my fundraising goal.

      • I will be better at communicating/staying in touch with friends + family long distance.

    • Jo:

      • I will read at least one book per month.

      • I will be focusing more on balance and moving slower. I was stretched way too thin in 2021 and need to incorporate more things that fill up my cup rather than drain it.

      • I will continue going the therapy 2x month to prioritize my mental health and overall wellbeing.

      • I will learn something completely NEW. I think it will be gardening or maybe a language (?) but still deciding :)


    • Product launch. This has been years in the making and we couldn’t be more excited to share with you! Our very own product that we use almost everyday and know you will too. Coming Spring/Summer 2022.

    • More workouts with you all! Live workouts, youtube, challenges, the list goes on. Get ready to grow stronger TOGETHER.

    • Be more intentional with our screen time. Social media is our job and although we LOVE it, we do need to create stronger boundaries around mindless scrolling.


    • Wedding planning x2!

    • Continue making our houses into homes. Jo is doing a full front and backyard renovation in the spring!

    • Travel together. We have a few trips already booked for 2022 which we’re looking forward to.

What are some of your goals for 2022?! 

We’re so excited for what the new year holds for Sweat + Tell and pinch ourselves everyday that this is our reality. We are so thankful for each and every single one of you that make up this amazing community!


Jo & Jacqs

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