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6 TIPS TO STAY MOTIVATED - When it is cold AF outside

6 TIPS TO STAY MOTIVATED - When it is cold AF outside


Cold and gloomy weather got ya feeling lazy? Been there.

The snow days this week are making me feel like a little kid again, but also making it 10x more difficult to motivate myself to workout.

We gathered a list of things that help us stay motivated when the weather dips.

  1. PLAN AHEAD. Know which workout you are going to do. Take out any decision making to eliminate potential ways you can stall or make excuses.

    • We like to write our workouts in our planner for the week. We LOVE our vision planner from Bloom. Linked it HERE for you guys.

  2. WORKOUT AT HOME. Do a workout at home so you don’t even have to step outside! Have an ongoing list of your fav YouTube vids to follow or save workouts on IG. This takes out the decision making and makes it one step easier. Here are a few of our favorite Youtube Vids that you can add to your own list.

  3. WORKOUT CLOTHES FIRST THING. If you work from home, put on workout clothes right when you wake up. (Bonus if you pick them out the night before) This encourages you to get your workout done. You already completed the first step, go you! Now you have a little more motivation to get your ass into gear.

  4. DO AN “EASY” WORKOUT. Allow yourself to do an “easy” workout. Make it less intimidating. An easy workout is better than no movement. Sometimes I start and easy workout and realize I have more motivation than I thought. I just needed to get started. Other days I actually just have a light workout and it feels great to just move my body. Either way it’s a win. Some of my favorite light workouts are:

    • Uphill walk for 30-40 minutes - listen to a podcast or an upbeat playlist!

    • Yoga Flow - Katie Austin video linked HERE

    • Stretch - TIU video linked HERE

  5. CATCH THE SUN. Prioritize your workouts during daylight hours! Daylight is limited during the colder months, so take advantage of it when you can. You’re more likely to get in a workout during lunch or early in the am rather than after work when it’s dark out. Once again - this takes PLANNING AHEAD. Do you see the theme here?

  6. GET TOASTY. If you aren’t snowed in, skip the standard workout and do something in the HEAT! Nothing sounds better when it’s cold then hot yoga, a steam or sauna sesh.

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