
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



Happy Spooky Season!

Hello crisp fall air with clear skies and a gentle breeze. Running in the fall is always one of the best feelings. To ring in the season we decided to plan a mileage challenge. Whether you run or walk, we can all share our mileage and encourage each other along the way.

it is also Breast Cancer Awareness month. And as we all know…cancer sucks. So many of us have personally or know loved ones who have been impacted by cancer. Jacq’s mom is a breast cancer survivor and so is Jo’s grammy. We decided to create this mileage challenge in honor of breast cancer awareness and turn it into a fundraising opportunity.

Click HERE to donate and share it with your family and friends. Jacqs is donating $110 and Jo will be donating $100 which is also be the number of miles we each will be running this month for the challenge.


Pick a goal. Whether its 100 miles running or 50 miles walking, choose a firm realistic yet challenging number that you want to reach. You can do this running, walking, or a combination.

Jacqs will be doing the challenge with you starting October 1st and will be sharing and posting on our socials along the way. We will also be doing some giveaways throughout for those who are participating!

Below are the trackers you can print out and write in your mileage and/or post on your story and share your progress.

Download this copy to share on your social media stories to update each other.

Print this example if you want a physical copy you can fill out.

Jo's Last Rodeo | Scottsdale Bachelorette Weekend

Jo's Last Rodeo | Scottsdale Bachelorette Weekend

CAMP JACQS | Tahoe Bachelorette Weekend

CAMP JACQS | Tahoe Bachelorette Weekend